The fall was a busy one. I finally finished the last kitchen cabinet... and "no, I'm not done with the kitchen yet, but maybe this year"... I worked on web contracts... and of course, we launched "". All in all, a good past few months.
But as I look at the new, and very empty calendar in front of me, I wonder what will happen in the coming months. Hopefully it'll be a mix of past good things, and a whole bunch of new things.
I do have a few things that I REALLY need to take care of this year, and the bulk involves finishing what I've already started. Here area few things:
- Finish the kitchen this year. I'm so close.
- Finish the upstairs bathroom (sorry Jim, looks like I won't be going for the record on this one.)
- Finish a web job that has taken FAR too long to complete. I'm shooting for a Jan. 31 deadline.)
- Excavate my home office. It's that bad right now.
- Complete my "when I get the time" project list.
There are some other things on the do-to list for this year, but I'm going to hold on to those for a bit... I think I'd better finish up some things first.