Monday, January 05, 2009

a new year...

Okay, so I've been away for a bit... three months?!? dang.

The fall was a busy one. I finally finished the last kitchen cabinet... and "no, I'm not done with the kitchen yet, but maybe this year"... I worked on web contracts... and of course, we launched "". All in all, a good past few months.

But as I look at the new, and very empty calendar in front of me, I wonder what will happen in the coming months. Hopefully it'll be a mix of past good things, and a whole bunch of new things.

I do have a few things that I REALLY need to take care of this year, and the bulk involves finishing what I've already started. Here area few things:
  1. Finish the kitchen this year. I'm so close.
  2. Finish the upstairs bathroom (sorry Jim, looks like I won't be going for the record on this one.)
  3. Finish a web job that has taken FAR too long to complete. I'm shooting for a Jan. 31 deadline.)
  4. Excavate my home office. It's that bad right now.
  5. Complete my "when I get the time" project list.
I'm also looking to improve my health this year. I've been static for a while, and I'm feeling it. I need to get moving, and get more fit. Boomper turns four next month, and it's not going to get easier chasing him around. Time to do something now.

There are some other things on the do-to list for this year, but I'm going to hold on to those for a bit... I think I'd better finish up some things first.